Unlock Savings: 2×2 Square Tubing Price per Foot Revealed

Discover the cost-effective solution you’ve been searching for with our guide on 2×2 square tubing price per foot. In this comprehensive article, we’ll provide essential information, pricing insights, and real-world examples to help you make informed decisions. Explore the versatility and affordability of 2×2 square tubing today!

Are you in the market for 2×2 square tubing? Wondering about the price per foot? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of 2×2 square tubing, exploring its cost, applications, and benefits.

Understanding 2×2 Square Tubing Price per Foot

When it comes to construction projects, the cost of materials plays a significant role. This is where 2×2 square tubing shines. But first, let’s clarify what it is.

What Is 2×2 Square Tubing?

2×2 square tubing refers to steel or aluminum tubing with equal sides measuring 2 inches by 2 inches. It’s known for its structural integrity, making it ideal for various applications in construction, manufacturing, and more.

Versatile Applications

Now that you know what it is, let’s explore its wide range of applications:

  1. Structural Support: 2×2 square tubing is often used to provide robust support in building frameworks and structures.
  2. Furniture Construction: It’s a favorite among DIY enthusiasts for crafting tables, chairs, and other furniture pieces.
  3. Outdoor Projects: From fences to handrails, it’s a durable choice for outdoor projects.
  4. Industrial Use: In factories and warehouses, 2×2 square tubing is essential for creating sturdy shelves, racks, and equipment.

The Cost Breakdown

Here’s the part you’ve been waiting for: 2×2 square tubing price per foot. On average, it can range from $2 to $4 per foot for steel tubing, while aluminum tubing tends to be slightly pricier at $3 to $5 per foot. However, keep in mind that prices can vary based on factors such as material type, thickness, and supplier location.

Factors Affecting Pricing

Several factors influence the price of 2×2 square tubing:

  1. Material Type: Steel is a cost-effective choice, while aluminum offers lightweight durability.
  2. Thickness: Thicker tubing generally costs more but provides increased strength.
  3. Supplier Location: Local suppliers may offer better deals due to reduced shipping costs.

Real-World Example

To illustrate the cost savings, let’s consider a practical example. Suppose you need 20 feet of 2×2 square steel tubing for a DIY project. At an average price of $3 per foot, your total cost would be $60. In contrast, opting for aluminum at $4 per foot would result in a total cost of $80. By choosing the right material, you can save $20 on your project.


In conclusion, understanding 2×2 square tubing price per foot is crucial for budget-conscious individuals and businesses alike. By considering factors such as material type, thickness, and supplier location, you can make informed decisions to save on your projects. Whether you’re building structures or crafting furniture, 2×2 square tubing offers both versatility and affordability.